Eight music groups encompassing Folk and World Music, Swedish ballads, early music and rock/blues.
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Passion and pain come together in captivating traditional Roma songs from Russia and Eastern Europe.

Jewish folk music and Early music with an intimate, intense and meditative feeling.

Irish, Scottish and American folk music, featuring also original song compositions – music with a goodtime rockin’ swing.

Fiery passion and soulful melancholy from the Celtic folk music tradition.

With live music performed by Krilja Duo and Salamander Duo!

Celtic folk music meets jazz, flamenco, Nordic tones, African rhythms and much more.

Folk music out of the Jewish tradition, as well as early music from the Middle Ages and Renaissance and Baroque periods – and a whole lot more! Salamander is a trio version of Salamander Duo (see above).

Traditional Romani folk music from Russia and Eastern Europe with an element of flamenco and jazz. By turns passionate and melancholic. Krilja is a trio version of Krilja Duo (see above).

Swedish balladry: from the pens of such popular songwriters as Barbro Hörberg, Evert Taube and Cornelis Vreeswijk, amongst others. The group was formerly known as "MEJ Trio".


2019 > 10

The trio Salamander, which plays Jewish folk music from primarily the Sephardic tradition, has just received a 20.000 SEK grant from the Katz Jewish Culture Foundation. The grant is intended to cover the travel and accommodation costs during a concert tour of Andalusia in Southern Spain, which is due to take place in May/June of 2020. Salamander are delighted to be given the opportunity to perform their music in the homeland of Sephardic culture!

It's the second time that Salamander receives a grant from the Katz Jewish Culture Foundation. The group's second album was financed in full by a grant from the Fund.

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