The trio Salamander, which plays Jewish folk music from primarily the Sephardic tradition, has just received a 20.000 SEK grant from the Katz Jewish Culture Foundation. The grant is intended to cover the travel and accommodation costs during a concert tour of Andalusia in Southern Spain, which is due to take place in May/June of 2020. Salamander are delighted to be given the opportunity to perform their music in the homeland of Sephardic culture!

It's the second time that Salamander receives a grant from the Katz Jewish Culture Foundation. The group's second album was financed in full by a grant from the Fund.

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On Friday November 16 the groups Salamander and Krilja gave a double concert at Aggerhus, a culture centre in Östansjö, Sweden. It was a highly successful event and the organizer Ingela Agger summed it up as "an evening of full musicality, melancholy but also lots of joy. Fantastic artists and an incredibly warm and welcoming audience!".

A couple of video clips from the concert can be seen below!

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In August 2018, Sláinte performed at the Acoustic Music Centre in Edinburgh, as a part of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Despite stiff competition with hundreds of other shows going on at the same time, the concert was a sell out and a great success. Here are some films clips from the show!

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